Join me on a
3 Month Journey!

3 Soul Activation Coaching Sessions — Scheduled during the week of the full moon. Together, we explore what is working in your life, what’s not working, what you want to change, what your goals are. We talk about the spiritual, the emotional, the logistical.

6 Custom Guided Meditations — from the content of our sessions, I record in my music studio, a completely unique guided meditation, for each full moon and new moon.

Solutions require new perspective.

Our mindset is our most powerful tool.

Growth happens one positive choice at a time. One re-routed thought at a time.

Together we face the patterns you wish to change.

I am here to witness you free yourself.

My Mission:

Reconnecting Leaders & Visionaries with Expansive Clarity
so their unique gifts may be shared with the world.

My Purpose:

Activating Harmony
on Planet Earth.

• • • CONNECT• • •

• • •

We each carry our own unique ESSENCE.

When we reconnect with our Pure Essence - we THRIVE.

When we thrive - the world around us benefits.



I transformed myself…

- The Past Me -
Unhealthy relationships.
Lack of purpose.
Crippling performance anxiety.
Overdrafted bank accounts.
Fear of others opinions.
Single parenting feeling alone & exhausted.
Overwhelmed by the chaos and pain in the world.
Feeling out of place and misunderstood.

I learned to Reclaim my Power

- The Present Me -

Thriving, lasting, healthy relationships.
Deep unshakable clarity of my Soul’s purpose on this planet.
Feeling confident in myself regardless of what others say or think.
Abundance & Luxury while doing what I LOVE!
Freedom from others opinions.
Intricately supported by my Network of Partners, Friends & Chosen Family.
Deep Peace regardless of the chaos surrounding me.
My unique expression is celebrated.

Choosing to change can be scary.
It requires bravery.
Your quality of life is worth it.
You don’t have to do it alone!

I’ve been there,
On the precipice of breakdown…
The old me was depressed, discouraged and depleted.
I chose to free myself from that downward spiral.
I chose to cultivate a life of freedom, authenticity, joy & bliss.
I AM here to teach you how to reconnect with your greatest superpower!

Power of Choice

You CAN choose your focus.
You CAN choose to heal from the past.
You CAN build the life of your dreams.
You CAN choose how you respond to the world around you.


Schedule a Consultation